Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mrs. Guehna's Kindergarten - 1st Visit

 Mrs. Guehna is veteran kindergarten teacher who makes everything about teaching kindergarten look simple.  (Believe me, this is an optical illusion).   Today she is conferencing with her kindergarten students when I enter the room.  She gives no indication of knowing I've entered (although I know she has), but instead, she keeps laser like focus on the student in front of her.

The students are engaged, and the room is amazingly quiet.  The teacher and paraprofessional both confer and assist students, using voices just above a whisper.  It is clear and obvious that writing time is serious work and that the conversations between students and adults are important.  When the noise level starts to rise, Mrs. Guehna gentle prompts them with the analogy of a volcano (the lesson just prior to writing) and they readily respond, going back to working quietly.   

I have heard a rumor that this particular group of writers requested writing workshop as one of the special activities for their winter party!   Now that's what I call commitment!

1 comment:

  1. This is great, reading the entries felt like a little trip into each co-workers classroom, we can learn so much from each other.
