Friday, January 7, 2011

3rd Grade Narrative - Ice Fishing (Christopherson)

Out Fishing

Do you have a fish house?  I do!

One afternoon my dad and I went to the fish house.  We caught a fish right away!!!!!  Then my dad took a nap because he had to wake up early that morning.

Since he took a nap, I played my DS.  I played my DS until. . . RING ALING DING!!  It was a fish.  I had to hurry.  It was pulling fast.  "The fish," I cried to my dad!  But, too bad he couldn't see me catch the big fish.  "I caught it!" That's what I said when he woke up.  I hugged him and said it was the best day I will ever have with you even though you were asleep!!

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