It's been awhile since I checked in on Mrs. Hausrath's kids and their research projects. When I do today, I am so impressed with the progress they are making.

These third graders have gathered a minimum of three resources and done several pages of webbing to organize the facts and information they've found. Now, some are taking the information from the webs and organizing it onto notecards to formulate the beginnings of paragraphs for their report. Others have completed the notecards and are composing the first drafts in their writer's notebooks.
Students across the classroom are all different stages in the process. Each of them works from a completely unique set of resources. Mrs. Hausrath takes it all in, moving calmly around the room, interacting with individual students, getting them back on track when needed, answering questions, helping to find additional resources.
There is some quiet conversation between kids, but everything is focused on the work. These kids are engaged!
When you stand back and watch, there is no doubt . . . learning is happening here.
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