Below are some samples of 2nd grade Persuasive Letter writing from January and February. 2nd grade students are writing about things around our school that they would like to see changed. All of the posted samples have the same selected audience - the principal! Enjoy!
January 21,2011
Dear Mrs. Yates,
You are a great princpal. However, stations in the morning are too short because this moring when I got to my locker they said, You may clean up at your stations and walk quietly to class. Thank you." So could you make stations longer?
Your Learner,

Dear Mrs. Yates,
We love to slide. However, we need more slides with tops. Because we have to stand in line all the time. It is annoying and wastes recess time! People might get into fights. Thanks for your time.

January 19, 2011
Dear Mrs. Yates,
Could you think about changing the rule that you have to sit where you are in line for lunch to sit where you want? So we can sit by our friends and so we can sit by 1st grade because I have a friend in 1st grade that I'd like to sit by. It's not fair that 3rd and 4th grade get to sit where they want.
Yours Truly,

January 18, 2011
Dear Mrs. Yates,
Can you cahnge the rule at luch time? Because the kids do not think it is fair to sit in certain spots at lunch time. And they want to sit by their friends at lunch time. So, can you please change the rule at lunchtime?
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